Sunday 30 June 2013

"Wow, Wow, Wow" ... says Julie Cadmore

Julie Cadmore has provided this 'blog' entry, via expedition leader Matt and Michael Kingscote ... it was heard by the whole group and they agreed with and approved it ...

''Wow, wow, wow! ... What an amazing 36 hours- a great send off, smooth travel and flight and awesome scenery through this beautiful country. We've already seen zebra, water buck and jackal buzzards. Our accommodation is fantastic - we've had a delicious dinner.
As we write this we are sat around a roaring fire toasting marshmallows underneath a stunning milky way. Tomorrow we're decorating 4 classrooms and meeting local children - How exciting!
Thank you for enabling us to have this adventure of a lifetime."


  1. Cant wait to follow all your adventures! have the best time and enjoy every second!!!.... Mrs K

  2. Sounds amazing out there. Hoping that you can still get that Gazelle for me! Keep us up to date with the adventures!
    Mr A
